Entrance Requirements

The Faith Mission Bible College exists to equip men and women for Christian ministry. TheCollege training is designed to address every aspect of a Christian’s life – spiritual,academic and practical.

There are no academic requirements for entrance to the College, other than forstudents from outwith the European Union (see * below).

The College adopts an open access policy, meaning that it is open to any student whoshows evidence of being able to complete the course of training offered both in relationto standards of achievement and in focus of professional practice.

Students accepted on to the course will be those who give evidence of:

  • a clear conversion experience to a personal faith in Christ
  • a clear testimony to growth in grace and spiritual maturity
  • a clear leading to and desire for preparation for Christian ministry
  • a clear potential to meet the aims and learning outcomes of the programme demonstrated, for example, by appropriate prior experiential learning
Students applying to the College will be interviewed by members of The Faith Mission aspart of their application process.

Students for whom English is not their first language are normally required to haveachieved an overall IELTS score of 6. If an applicant does not have a qualification of thistype but, through an interview, demonstrates an ability to manage the course, that maybe acceptable.

* Students from outwith the European Union must have the equivalent of an ‘A’ level(Certificate of Complete Higher Secondary Education), in order to satisfy UK BorderAgency requirements.