Remodeling The Church Kitchen

Big Changes Coming To The Church Kitchen

church renovations Exciting news for everyone working at our headquarters, we are remodeling our kitchens to facilitate the upcoming holiday season and our efforts feeding the homeless. The kitchen and and cafeteria will be completely upgraded with cafeteria tables and kitchen upgrades that will allow us to turn out enough food to feed the thousands of homeless that show up to our church to eat. We will be doubling our oven space and stove tops which will allow us to double the amount of food production we will be serving. The dish pit will also be getting a complete overhaul, an upgrade garbage disposal, and a second dishwasher to double the dish-ware that we can clean in a day. The service area is being renovated with granite, this is a major upgrade from the laminate countertops that were there previously. Those countertops were pealing back from years of abuse and needed to be replaced with a natural stone that could hold up to the foot traffic that we experience while we feed the masses. We also needed a durable surface that could withstand the spills and stains that come from the food as people are dishing themselves up. Regardless of the generous gesture, people are careless at the buffet line and slop food onto their plate as if they were plating dog dishes at an animal kennel. Remodeling the kitchen in the church not only allows us to feed the homeless for the holidays, but we can also feed our congregation more thoroughly on Sundays. Adding granite countertops was a great choice we made with the renovation decisions because of the life span of the stone. We anticipate that those countertops will last for 50 years at least and will only need minor maintenance and re-sealing on occasion. We are looking forward to this renovation being complete and hope to be ready to feed the public as soon as October for Halloween. For all of our FMBC members that received this email and are reading this post now you can all donate time around the holidays and help make a difference in our local community,

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