TRUE Bible Studies – How To Keep The Sabbath

TRUE Bible Studies – How To Keep The Sabbath

Shalom!! In the episode of the Bible Unlocked brother Yarashalam explains the proper way to keep the Sabbath Holy as the the most High Stated in the 4th Commandments “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you.”


  1. You sir are a Judiaisers, you preach keeping the law, and only part of it. the law you can not keep, no one can or has, except Jesus Christ. We are not under the law, but Grace.

  2. Friday and Saturday is not the sabbath when the Ancient Israelites kept the sabbath there was no such thing as a Friday or Saturday the moon is your calendar the moon gave them the days. Pope Gregory’s calendar is not our calendar. The (Jewish ) (ish) Sabbath calendar is NOT what we should be following. The sabbath is not always on the same day Each month. The Most High put his calendar in the ski where no one could touch it. People please this is important, please get this right The

  3. There is only 29 days in a month for Israelites not 30 and 31 days. The moon ? ? ? is our calendar. (You have a day of worship Dark ? moon )( Your Sabbath is 50%? ) and (full ? 100%the sabbath). You still have time to get this right starting January 31 ? day of worship. Please let’s get this right

  4. If Saturday starts at 12am but you all are not working from Friday at 6 pm till Sat 6 pm…you are braking the law!!! you all work Sat after 6? You are all crazy!!! ???. Humans, always manipulating everything to their convenience. Friday is not Sat. Sat is a 24 hr day. Get your act together!!!

  5. Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law of Moses but to add to it. He added two commandments: love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

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