Certificate in Biblical Studies (part time)

You will notice that the name of our part time course has been updated. We think that Certificate in Biblical Studies more accurately reflects the content of the course, and will have a wider appeal than the “Expository Preaching” label that has been used for the past few years.


This part-time course will occupy one day a week (currently a Tuesday) during normal
academic term time, starting in October 2016, and last for two years. It will overlap with and
supplement the present Diploma in Applied Theology course.


You will learn how to read, study, and teach the Bible in a variety of settings, preparing you to prepare Sunday school lessons, Bible studies and church services with new confidence and skill. Workshops and practice sessions will develop your skills, and supported ministry in your own church will give you the opportunity to try it out for real.

The big picture flow of the biblical narrative will be unlocked, and the contributions of each of the biblical books identified, to give you a comprehensive understanding of what God has revealed about himself, his ways and his plan.

The major doctrines of the Christian faith are taught with a view to encountering God as Trinity, and discovering the practical implications of His character in our everyday ministry settings. You will discover a confidence in the Bible and learn to implement its foundational teaching in the life of the church and in explaining the gospel message.

Finally, your identity as a disciple of Jesus Christ and the important work of spiritual growth will be taught and modelled, allowing you the opportunity to open yourself to God’s Spirit at work in your own life. You will learn principles for a lifetime of knowing Christ – for yourself and for others.


The Certificate in Biblical Studies runs on twenty-five Tuesdays each year, from 9am to 4pm. The next academic year begins in October 2016.

Resources available: lunch, library and computer access. In addition we are able to support you in ministry in your local church and provide feedback as you develop your skills.

Phone us on 0131 664 4336 to find out more.

Apply for this course here.