Bible Study – Romans 8

Bible Study – Romans 8

Today, Joyce demonstrates how to study the Bible, going through Romans 8.


  1. I am so thankful! Today, Holy Spirit lead me to this video, and immediately when she started speaking, I felt the Holy Spirit. I feel so full of joy, and confident! Thank you Jesus!!! God bless this ministry <3

  2. I am a vegan ..vegetarian.. berritarian rice crispy cereal fanatic.. So anyway ..basically the Bible Genesis ..the forbbiden fruit.. is.. a meat banana ..and serpent snakes.. are some ..meat swallowing homosexual creatures.. human males.. swallowing whole meat.. bananas or hot dogs or any meat is symbolically homosexual period…those meat swallowing bandits.. they still swallowing whole meat bananas..2017.. if they blend it up…at arbys eating 8 meat sandwiches and Lord knows how much meat sauce they swallowing each day quadrupole meat swallowing times 4….secret meat swallowing bandits if u ask me

  3. im so happy that cristians can get together so nonjudgemental and focus soley on Jesus and his loving ways ! peace and Grace be with you all thankyou for the support let us not see and just believe like the lord god taught us!

  4. I am having a Bible study on my channel going through Proverbs if anyone is interested!! Would love for anyone to join ❤️

  5. This is awesome. I’ve learned so much in less than 30 mins

    * Be deeply rooted in the love of God, A tree that is deeply rooted doesn’t get blown away from storms – this can be any storm of life but w remain unshakable in Christ Jesus because He is for us

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